Tesla Energy offers leasing, lending, and installment payment methods to individuals and businesses.

In cooperation with ACBA Leasing, the company is ready to assist its clients in obtaining car loans and Tesla car leasing. With flexible terms of service, customers are provided with a range of purchasing options to make the choice convenient for you. By taking advantage of the financing offers, you can order a Tesla vehicle today.
For Individuals.
- Prepayment from 10%*
- Maturity up to 84 months
- One-time commission from the amount of the leasing agreement - 1%
- Currency of provision - AMD only
- Annual interest rate - 11.5% for up to 60 months
12.5% in case of 60-84 months
- Compulsory annual insurance: 2.5-2.75%
- Without prepayment, maintenance, property valuation, application consideration, notary and other expenses
* With an advance payment of 50% or more, confirmation of income from the customer is not required
For Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.
Funding funds
1. EBRD-10% and cashback*.
- Car leasing is provided to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have an export-oriented activity (agricultural activity, production of textiles, paper and paper products, food, etc.) and have up to 250 employees.
- Prepayment from 10%
- Maturity: up to 48-72 months
- The minimum amount of financing - 5 million UAH. AMD
- The maximum amount is the equivalent of 50,000 EUR in AMD
- Annual interest rate: 9.5-11% in case of USD, 14.5-16% in case of AMD
- One-time commission from the amount of the leasing agreement - 0.5%
- Compulsory annual insurance: 2.5-2.75%
- Cash Back - 10% of the amount of the lease agreement
- Effective interest rate - 5-7% in case of USD, 9.62-11.5% in case of AMD (depending on maturity)
- Penalty for full or partial early repayment - 7%, except for cases when the amount of partial repayment in a given calendar year does not exceed twice the amount of the monthly payment according to the original schedule.
* Financial analysis is not required with an advance payment of 50% or more for Tesla leasing
2. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who do not meet the conditions of the above funds.
- Prepayment from 10%
- Maturity up to 84 months
- One-time commission from the amount of the leasing agreement - 1%
- Annual interest rate: 7-8% for EUR, 9-10% for USD, 13.5-14.5% for AMD
- Only in case of euro, maturity up to 2 years, interest rate 2% per annum
- Compulsory annual insurance: 2.5-2.75%
- No early repayment, maintenance, property valuation, application review, notary fees and other costs.
Car leasing allows you to distribute the Tesla auto price over a more extended period of time and exploit the desired car earlier.
